Arginine is essential for many physiological processes. These physiological processes include hormone secretion, increased growth hormone production, removal of toxic waste from the body, and immune system defense.
Because arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide [which is responsible for vasodilation 3], it is often used to treat conditions such as angina, high blood pressure, heart disease, and sexual dysfunction. Arginine is also used in the treatment of infertility and male and female sexual disorders.
Recently, dietary supplements containing arginine have become popular due to arginine’s ability to produce nitric oxide, its ability to destroy free radicals, as well as its ability to signal muscle cells, release growth hormone, remove bad cholesterol, and increase fat metabolism. Arginine also helps regulate salt levels in the body.
This is why arginine can be interesting in competitive bodybuilding, as water retention under the skin can create a smooth, plump, and toned appearance. Arginine’s nitrogen retention abilities are well known in the bodybuilding and scientific communities. Arginine is also believed to be important for muscle growth due to its vasodilating abilities as well as its ability to participate in protein synthesis.
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